Sunday, January 28, 2018

Exciting Stuff and the Fire Within You

Hello, everyone!
I am so excited about so many things that I want to talk about on my post today that I have been trying to put it into one cohesive thought before typing this up, but that was failing and it's getting late so I am just going to try and pull things together as I'm typing. Here we go!
In my last post, I mentioned that I was starting a Beachbody program called 21 Day Fix. I have continued to stick with it, and I am loving it! Mentally, physically, and emotionally, I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. My reflux hasn't been bothering me so much that it's keeping me up at night. I am not super self conscious about working out in front of my husband and family. I'm not as tired (although at the end of week 1 I was wiped out!), and I am able to do more every day as I continue to work on my goals. It. is. AWESOME. I've also had a lot of success so far where numbers are concerned. In 3 weeks I have lost 7.8 lbs, and it is in the past 2 weeks doing my challenge that I've lost 5.8 of them. I've also been able to lose 26.6 inches off my body! Here are some photos of my progress:

Another exciting thing that happened since my last blog post.... day before yesterday, I ended up deciding to sign up as a coach for Beachbody. I am really, really looking forward to this because even though I've already been in a challenge group that is holding me accountable as well as writing this blog, I feel like coaching will help me be even stronger in sticking with my goals, as well as allowing me to help others along with reaching their own goals. And honestly, ever since I made the decision to become a coach, I have been feeling absolutely giddy. Have you ever had one of those moments in your life that you decide to do something, and you just feel like it's right... that it's what you're supposed to do? I got that feeling 5 years ago when I decided to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, again when I decided to change my major in college to technical theatre design, when I said "yes" to marrying my amazing husband, and now again as I've made this decision. My heart is so full and I feel so blessed. I get to join an amazing community of inspiring people and be one of them myself. 

The last thing I want to talk about on this post is the fire within. We all have this amazing potential to be so much more than we can imagine, and it's just hidden inside waiting to burst free. Find that fire and chase your dreams. If the way you're living now isn't allowing you to live the life you want to live, CHANGE IT. There's a quote I saw on a sign of a church in Oregon 3-4 years ago that has stuck with me since: "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine." You don't have to make huge changes and leap into everything all at once. You'll get overwhelmed and you'll likely give up. Instead, start by making small changes every day and build them. I promise you that your life will change for the better. 
God is good. He wants what's best for us, and He wants us to reach our potential and live our dreams. If you are struggling, you have no better companions by your side than Him and His Son. Look to him in all you do. He will guide you and help you make those changes. What are you waiting for?

My progress:
Pounds lost: 7.8
Inches lost: 26.25

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Making Progress

Hello, everyone!
This last week has been exciting as I've been making various changes to start new and better habits. I continued working on a Beachbody program called CIZE until Sunday, rested, then started on 21 Day Fix for my challenge group on Monday, nutrition plan and all! I'm really excited because I have a coach and a community to be accountable to, aside from you wonderful people who take the time to read my blog and follow my journey. And I've already seen some awesome results!
The biggest challenge for me this week has, surprisingly, been trying to eat all the food that I'm supposed to eat every day. I've been learning how to adjust and even out each meal to have smaller, more frequent meals so that my metabolism gets better and faster. It's definitely been an adjustment. However, it has been really fun to try and find recipes that incorporate good, fresh food. And it makes me feel great because I'm finally getting more of the nutrients I need!
As for exercising, the workouts are tough but I am getting better at them each day and feeling stronger with each one. And having to report each day on whether or not I have done my workout to a bunch of women that are doing the same thing as me has really helped! I even had my wonderful mother-in-law come over and do leg day with me today. It was awesome to have someone in the room with me making me push myself and work hard for my goals.
As you all work on your goals (fitness or otherwise) this week, I want you to find the things that excite you on your journey. If there is something that you have noticed you really struggle with, reach out to someone who can help you, even if it's just a daily report. You can make anything happen if you take it one day at a time. Don't get discouraged if something is more challenging than you expected. It's just an opportunity to grow more! Good luck! As for the results I mentioned...
I am now down 5.4 lbs and 18 inches lost! I am super proud of myself for continuing to stay on track and push through even if everything hurts. And who knows... maybe I'll have a 10 lbs lost progress photo next week!

My progress:
Current weight: 250.6 lbs

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Time to be Honest

Hello, everyone!
Wow. This is actually really hard to post today even though it's been bothering me that it has been a while (yet again), but I really felt I needed to do it. So here we go.
As I mentioned, it's been a while. I feel like I've already made so many "starting over" or "getting back on track" posts, and honestly, I'm mad at myself for letting myself get off track so many times in the past. I kept making excuses.... either because I didn't have any "real" way to track my progress, because I didn't have anything to report, because I couldn't think of something new to say. Really though, it's because I felt guilty for not working towards my goals like I had promised myself. It is time to stop making excuses. It's time to take a step back and reevaluate, to realize that by making excuses, I'm only hurting myself and limiting my life.
In my last post I mentioned that I was going to do a 14 day trial with Beachbody, and I did. I even paid for a few months, and when I actually did the workouts, I loved it! They have amazing workout programs that really allow me to push myself. However, I didn't really take advantage of the time I paid for because my heart wasn't really in it, and I was making excuses again. That has changed, and I am "starting over" again, but this time, I'm promising myself that it will be the last time I have to start over. Now that the easier part of this post is done, on to the hard part.
Guys, it is really, really, really hard to work so hard for something, have things happen, and have most of your efforts be gone. It is so disheartening. Before I left on my mission, I had lost 54 pounds and around 90 inches off of my body, and I felt great. I never thought I would ever see my starting numbers again, and I was determined to make it so. Then I got sick. It got worse and worse, and I came home from my mission that I worked so hard to go on. It continued to get worse, and I couldn't even make my bed without being in so much pain it brought me to tears. I was depressed because my service had ended early and I couldn't. do. anything. The pounds started quickly coming back because of one of my health issues, and I started to give up on myself. Even though I was in a much better place mentally and emotionally than I had ever been before I started my journey, I was feeling super self-conscious again and was unintentionally blocking myself from seeing the love that God has for me. I was making it harder and harder to be who I really want to be.
Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. I decided to recommit myself, and not because of New Year's resolutions or because everyone else was making goals.... because something finally reignited the fire in me that had been lost for a while. I reached out, made plans, and budgeted. I finally signed up for the full Beachbody program for a year, and I got the tools I needed to help me succeed and track my progress. I started making small changes in my health and food habits. This past Saturday I started working out, and have made a point to schedule a specific time for my workouts each day. I told others my goals so I could be made accountable. And I've started seeing a difference.
When I got a scale last Friday, even though the number was about what I had expected (because I've been to the doctor recently and they weighed me), it was still hard to see such a big number, but I moved on. Last night I finally bought a tape measure, and measured the various parts of my body (hips, bust, waist, arms, and thighs), and I was devastated. I don't know why it hurt me so much more than seeing the number on the scale, but it did. And I wanted to cry. But then I realized something that really encouraged me. Yes, the number on the scale and my body measurements were bigger (some were smaller, but others made up for it) than they were when I began my journey, but I am still better off. I still have more physical capability than I have ever really had in the past, and because of the things I've learned in the past, I have more tools and knowledge at my disposal than I had the first time. And yes, I've fallen off the wagon several times. But I keep getting back up, and I keep trying. And that's all that matters.
This is a long post and I don't know if it will really affect any of you. In fact, I feel like this is more for me than anything, but I really hope my story is helping you in some way. On to the big point of this post, DON'T EVER GIVE UP. If you fall, get back up. If you've forgotten your goals, make new ones and write them down. If you need help, reach out. There is always someone out there who is willing to help you make your dreams come true if you let them. We are all human and we all make mistakes. No matter how many times you have to start, the important thing is you keep trying.
In the spirit of starting over for the last time, here is my new "before" photo:

Starting Weight: 256 lbs

My progress:
Current weight: 254 lbs (2 lbs lost already!)
Measurements (these are my starting ones, because I just measured for the first time last night):
Hips: 54.5"  Waist: 51.5"  Bust: 45"  R Thigh: 28.5"  L Thigh: 28.5"  R Arm: 16.75"  L Arm: 17.5"
Body fat: 60.9%

Monday, July 10, 2017

Switching Things Up

Hello, everyone!
I just realized that I had a post in mind a while ago and then never actually posted it... I feel so bad! Oh, well. I'm going to make that post now but just add more!
When I was thinking about what I was going to post a while ago, I was thinking about how easy it is to feel stuck in a routine in a specific place and how the lack of change of scenery can sometimes be discouraging, at least for me. It's easy for me to feel confined if I only have one place to workout or things don't switch up every once in a while.
On that note, recently I have moved down to Utah and am staying with my in-laws until we get an apartment (we should hear back today!!!) and while I was searching for a job along with apartments I was beginning to get cabin fever and just needed to get out of the house. My youngest brother in law was planning to start going running in the mornings, and so I decided I would go with him to walk. There are 2 beautiful parks near by to go to, and so one morning we headed to Layton Park. As I was walking and enjoying the fresh air, I got to enjoy this beautiful scenery:

Everything was so beautiful! I couldn't get over how pretty this park was, right in the middle of town. And it made me think of how little a lot of us go exploring. We get stuck in our ways and don't try new things. Eventually we get bored and we quit, when there are so many things out there that can beautify our lives and keep things exciting.
On a semi-different note, I have been following a bunch of inspirational female coaches on facebook and instagram and have been wanting to make even bigger changes in my life. A lot of these coaches are with beachbody, and I found out that right now BeachBody is having a free 14-day trial for their on demand workouts! I am going to try it, and I'm already super excited about it. It's basically like netflix, but workouts. I am excited to see how this works for me (along with support from one of the coaches I follow and a challenge group they created on facebook) and what changes I can make in the next two weeks. Updates to come!
My challenge to you for this next week is to find a park in your area and go. Or, if you don't go to a park (or fitness is not your current challenge), find some way to switch up your routine and make a change. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting something different to happen." Keep your head up and be awesome!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Finding Small Things to Stay on Track

Hello, everyone!
I don't have a huge amount to post this week, but I did have something on my mind that I wanted to share.
Sometimes life gets crazy and overwhelming and you don't always remember the things you need to do to take care of yourself. As for me, right now I've been busy trying to find a job and a place to live, creating my makeup portfolio and resume, and helping out with family chores at my in-laws who have been kind enough to live with them until my husband and I find an apartment. Sometimes I feel like there is so much going on that I can't keep track, and my goals seem to take a back seat, even though they are just as important as everything else.
However, amidst all that is going on, I have little things that help motivate and remind me what I'm working for. And that's what I want to talk about today.
One of the smaller things I've done to help me remember is to follow people that inspire me to be better on social media. On instagram there are many amazing women that I've started following that share the same goals to be healthy and eat right. In fact they are coaches that lead by example and post challenges or questions to help others on their journey. Seeing their posts inspires me and makes me want to make healthier choices.
The other smaller thing that helps me remember is so simple yet super effective. I learned that on my fitness tracker, I can set a sedentary alarm. I pick an amount of time, and if I haven't moved for that period of time, it will buzz at me and remind me to get moving again. It's been especially great as I've been on the computer filling out applications and working on my portfolio/resume as well as any other time. I hit my (now) minimum goal of 5,000 steps with so much more ease because I'm making sure to move frequently enough that it doesn't go off. I'm still working towards hitting 10,000 steps a day, but getting closer to that has been so much easier with just that small reminder.
This week I want to challenge you to think of the goals you have set for yourself and your plan to get to them. Are there any little reminders that you can add to your daily routine that will help you achieve them faster?
I know that implementing even the smallest of things can really change your life. I remember seeing a sign while on my mission one day that said "The secret of your future lies in your daily routine." I think that's really when it hit me that it really doesn't take a lot to change your life. Keep working hard and doing all you can. Even the smallest things will change you and your life!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Decluttering Your Life

Hello, everyone!
Things have been getting so crazy! In my last post I mentioned that my husband and I had decided to move (we were thinking July 7th when our contract ends), and since then he got a job in Utah and is actually starting today! In other words, we are moving a lot sooner than a month from now. In the meantime I've been cleaning and packing like a mad woman so we can get everything done by the end of this week so that when we have a place we can just grab stuff and go.
I was able to have a little bit of fun though and my husband and I went to a family reunion at Lake Powell. It was so much fun and we got to play the whole time swimming, hiking, boating, and all other things water related. It was a much needed break from our everyday stresses and routines. I even learned that I can swim much farther than I realized I could! My whole family thought I was crazy for swimming as far as I did, but I had a blast! Talk about a good workout!
This past couple of weeks as I've been cleaning and packing I've been thinking a lot about how much we as humans tend to hang on to unnecessary junk in our lives. Physical things have been a more prominent thing (I didn't know 2 people could have so much stuff!!!), but as I was thinking about what to post my mind went more towards the unhealthy habits that we just can't seem to let go of. And those could be anything; from the junk food we just can't stop eating to not wanting to get off the couch and get outdoors to shaming our bodies and not appreciating ourselves and the amazing things we can do.
There are so many things we "clutter" our lives and bodies with and it unnecessarily weighs us down from doing what we really want to do. Things become more and more overwhelming and harder and harder to get out of our lives that we sometimes imprison ourselves and preventing our potential to become who we want to be. With this in mind, my challenge this week is to "declutter" your life in one way. It can be within your environment or within yourself, but find one thing that you don't really need and free yourself of that thing. Let me know how it goes in the comments!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Catching Up

Hello, everyone!
It's been a couple of weeks. I have decided to post on Sundays usually, but week before last it was my birthday, then last week was Mother's Day (I LOVE YOU, MOMMA JENKINS AND MOMMA SNOW!!!), so I was busy and forgot to post. I do have things I want to share though, and then I can get back on track for this week as far as blogging goes.
Since my last post, I've had my fitness tracker a little longer and I've learned that while I easily make around 12,000-13,000 steps a day on the days I work, I only get around 5,000 steps a day on my days off, even with my workouts. Now I know why I'm so tired after work! Also, with that being said, I realized that I'm going to have to find ways to be more active throughout the day. Does anyone have tips? I usually get a lot of my steps in by going to the Nature Park here in Rexburg and making a few rounds, and then coming home and doing more cardio and some weights, but I still need to do more. Please comment with suggestions! I'll also work on trying to figure out what works for me in the meantime.
As far as eating goes, Orion and I finally bought some fruit and I've been making smoothies galore! They are so yummy and filling! I've also been keeping up with my rule to not eat after 7pm (with a couple exceptions), and it has been making all the difference in the world for my reflux issues. Seriously. Although there was a couple nights I had to sleep on the couch because I got sick (thanks to the hubby), I've been able to sleep through the night in my own bed!!! I'm so excited! I have so much more energy throughout the day now because I am actually sleeping at night.
Every change I've been making lately has been in the small things, and it is making my life so much better. I feel like I should tell you this because a lot of times we (especially me) get discouraged because we only make big goals that take a long time to achieve and it is hard to see the results. Sometimes we've got to focus on the little steps for a while, and that's okay. In fact, it's great! Don't get caught up in the idea that your life needs to massively change right now. No change will happen over night. Instead, look at the things you've accomplished and how it is currently improving your life, even if you are not where you want to be. I know I need surgery because my GERD isn't going to go away without it, but I'm doing everything I can with the tools I have to make my situation better until then.
Keep your head up and stay strong. You can do this!

On a side note, my husband and I have recently decided to move and everything going on in my life has been causing me stress even though I know it's right. It can be hard to find peace among chaos sometimes, but I had a tender mercy happen to bring me that peace. There is a story in the Bible about the apostle Peter walking on the water towards Christ. He does it, but as his focus switches from Christ to the storm he starts to sink. He then calls out to Christ to save him and Christ pulls Peter back up out of the water. Well, there's a video showing that story, courtesy of, and it really spoke to my heart. I know that with Christ we can do all things, no matter what storms of life we may be in. Here's the video if you are interested:

Sunday, April 30, 2017

A Lot of Updates!

Hello, everyone!
Last week I posted some of the goals I set for myself and I have been working on them throughout this week. I'm happy to report that I have already seen at least a little improvement, so that is what I'm going to share with you this week.
First of all, I had created a list of breakfast options for myself to help me stay on track (I didn't share that with you, it's just something I chose to do). It made it easier for me to choose healthy things that would be filling and last me longer throughout the day. One of the things I had I actually used for dessert first, and then breakfast the next day (I made extra). It was a dark chocolate chia seed pudding topped with strawberries:

The next day I was inspired by another blog from a while back and made an apple cinnamon quinoa breakfast bowl:

The other days I just had some toast or cereal, but it was super good and helped me have energy throughout the day! If you want the recipes for these two dishes, check out the "Recipes" tab.
While I'm talking about food, I also told you all last week that Orion and I were trying Hello Fresh for the first time, and we got our box we received our box Wednesday. We haven't made our third meal yet but here are the 2 we have made:

First we made a Turkey Chiles Rellenos with Chipotle Sauce. And it was SO GOOD. And our apartment smelled amazing afterwards.

Then we made the Cumin-Spiced Steak with Spinach Couscous Salad. Seriously, I could eat this all day, every day. It was amazeballs. And again, our apartment smelled the best after dinner.

This was just our first time trying Hello Fresh and we love it. Although we can't afford to have it every week, we have already decided that we want it at least once a month. It got us both cooking in the kitchen together (making a fun date night), and we made fresh, amazing food that we both are wanting to make again. I would highly recommend the service. And as I mentioned last week, if you use the Hello Fresh link in my "Helpful Links" tab, you can get $40 off your first box!
I also want to report this week on my water intake and steps. I've been trying really hard with water, and I'm still terrible. I set a goal for 4 bottles a day, and I've been able to get 2 a day. It's something I'm working on, but I wasn't even drinking one bottle of water a day before, so there's still progress! As for my goal of 5,000 steps a day, I got my tracker in the mail on Thursday evening, and so I've only been able to track Friday and Saturday so far. On the upside, both days I have hit over 12,000 steps! They have mostly been due to my job, but I'm going to reset my goal to 10,000 steps. It will be interesting to see how much harder it is to hit on my days off...
The last thing I want to report on is my other daily goal which is to not eat after 7 pm. I have been pretty good about it, and I am really excited because I have been able to sleep through the night! I still have reflux at night, but I don't have to go out and sleep on the couch, and it's been wonderful. I have so much more energy and a higher functioning capacity throughout the day.
This was a long post and I apologize for that, but I am just so excited about all the progress I'm making and am going to make! It's amazing how such little goals can change your life so much. I'm excited to keep working on these goals and make a bigger difference in my life! Keep your head up and keep working on your goals. Even the smallest progress is still progress. I love you all and thank you for your support!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Renewing Goals

Hello, everyone!
This is going to be a pretty short post, but I am trying to be accountable so I can be successful. As my acid reflux has been getting worse and I don't know when I'll be able to get my surgery yet, I have decided to reset some of the goals I've had in the past. I am doing this because I'm hoping that as I work on my weight loss goals with a renewed determination, I will also have less reflux and I can start to be able to sleep through the night more frequently. I don't know if it will work, but it will definitely be good for me either way! I just set 3 small daily goals and 3 small weekly goals to help me stay on track without being overwhelming. Here's what they are:

  • Daily Goals:
    • Drink 4 bottles of water
    • 5,000 steps (I just ordered a tracker to help me with this one and it's on its way)
    • Only water after 7 pm, no eating
  • Weekly Goals
    • 5-6 30 minute workouts
    • Track progress at end of week
    • Post update on blog for accountability
Setting small goals is ultimately what helps us reach the larger goals in our life. Today I want to challenge you to set some small goals for yourself to reach some of the bigger goals you have in life, whatever they may be. If you're not sure what goals to set, ask for help. There is always someone there to help you. Don't give up!
And because today is Sunday, I just want to share a little bit of my testimony that ties into this post. I know that the power of prayer is real and that we can each ask God for whatever we need. He is waiting with open arms and listening ears. He will reveal to you His plan for you, because He knows what is best. Look to Him in all you do. He will never let you down.
You are all awesome and I appreciate your support so much. Keep being amazing at being you.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Update and Trying Something New

Hello, everyone!
It's been a little while since I last posted and now I finally have an update, although I don't know much more now than I had pre-consult.
On the 11th I went in to talk to the doctor about getting a gastric bypass surgery to conquer my reflux, and I did learn a little. I will have to get the Roux-En-Y (the one in which they actually cut your stomach to divide it, then attach your intestine to the 2 oz pouch that is now your stomach). Because of the severity of my reflux, I can't get a band or a sleeve. The only problem is that insurance doesn't want to cover the surgery because it can be considered an "optional" or "elective" surgery since most people just get it for weight loss. However, the typical anti-reflux surgery is not a good option for me, and so I will be getting more tests to prove that I need the surgery for my reflux and hernia. I am hoping and praying that it will all work out smoothly. If it does, I can have the surgery in about 5 months!!! Now for the more fun part of this post...
I don't know how many of you have heard of the food delivery service, Hello Fresh, but it seems pretty awesome. They deliver recipes and fresh local ingredients right to your door so you can easily make a healthy, fresh meal at home. A lot of people like it because they can try new things without buying a ton of an ingredient they may not use again. You can pick how many meals you want sent and for what amount of people. I have been wanting to try it for a long time, but I didn't want to spend the average cost for something I didn't know I liked.
However, I recently started following Short Girl Fitness and since she uses Hello Fresh, she shared a link that allows you to get $40 off of your first box, making it $20! I am so excited because I can finally afford to try it and decide if I want to keep using it. It allows you to pause or cancel your subscription at any time, so I can choose to only do it when I can afford it. I am so excited! I will keep you all updated as I try the recipes (my first order gets here next week!). But for now, here's a sneak peek at what I will be trying when it gets here:

So, if any of you are interested in giving Hello Fresh a shot, I'm going to give you the same deal I did. $40 off your first box! Here is the link that will get you the discount: 
If you decide to try it, let me know and tell me what you think! Enjoy and have a great day!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Weakness Into Strength

Hello, everyone!
I was going to post a while ago and had it all written up, but the internet decided to crash and then when it finally came back up my life was crazy busy. I finally got a job and have been getting ready for finals, and I am excited and ready for the end of this semester!
Last time I posted, I mentioned that I had a surgery consult scheduled to talk about what I will need for bariatric surgery. That was supposed to be this last Tuesday, but, unfortunately, the doctor had to go to a conference in Texas and I had to reschedule. A little annoying, but it is giving me a little time to figure out the problems I am having with insurance before I go. I will have the consult in a couple of weeks and then I can (hopefully) start to get things moving forward again.
Even though I didn't get to have my consult last week, I was lucky enough to still be able to go down to Utah with my husband to visit my in-laws. It was super fun and I enjoyed being there just to be there instead of coming down for a surgery or some other special event (which actually happens quite often).
While we were down in Utah, we all decided to go on a hike near Adam's Canyon and it was a beautiful to do such. We all started out together, but after a while I split off with my mother-in-law (affectionately named "Mama Snow") and we took an easier trail because I was really struggling. The reason I mention this is because as I hiked with Mama Snow we talked about physical limits and how important it is to know what they are. To a certain degree, you always want to push your limits and break out of your comfort zone, but you also must realize that there are limits that you do have to put on yourself so that you don't injure or impair yourself.
This is especially key for me to keep in mind as I prepare for my surgery. I have a huge tendency to go without really stopping to take a breather and when I do finally stop, I have already gone to far and I pay the price and am miserable for a while until I can recuperate.
To summarize, my advice for this post is to make sure that when you are working to improve and push out of your comfort zone, do so knowing what limits you can push and which ones you can't. Everyone is different and so are the limits we face. Just keep working and the limits that you have today might not be limits any more someday. God gave us weakness so that we can become strong.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Finding Inspiration to Start and Keep Going

Hello, everyone!
This is going to be a really short post, but I decided I would take a minute and share something I found a little earlier this week. As I was browsing Pinterest for things to help me get ready for surgery (such as grocery list and bariatric-friendly recipes), I found a blog post of a woman who had been struggling with her weight and her realization that being fit was a way to honor God and her husband. I really enjoyed reading it and it has inspired me to be better as I set goals for myself and my health. I support everything she says in this post. Here's the link:

What Does Fitness Have to Do With God?

Whatever your goals are in life, I believe that finding a deeper reason within ourselves to keep going is the most effective method out there. There are a lot of people that can decide to do something and automatically keep going without thinking much about it, but I know that I am not one of those people. Would I like to be smaller than I currently am? Yes. Is that enough to keep me going? Not quite. What truly motivates me is my love for my Heavenly Father, my husband, and my future children. I want to be there to see my children get married and have their own children. I want to live a long, full life and grow old with my sweetheart. I want to be able to help build God's kingdom by being healthy enough to fulfill my calling (which is especially important now in the Jr Nursery!). There are many things I want to do with my life and that is what keeps me going each and every day. There are going to be days when you want things more or less in life than others, but that's okay. Remember who you want to become and your amazing potential and things will get easier. You are outstanding!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Becoming Better at Staying Hydrated

Hello, everyone!
As I've been researching and preparing for my surgical consult and surgery so I know what to expect and what questions to ask, I've heard that a huge struggle post-op is making sure that you drink enough water. There was a lady who thought it was judging other people because she couldn't believe that they were having a hard time getting 64 ounces a day because it was so easy for her. After her own surgery, however, she had the same problem!
Now, I've had my good and my bad days with getting myself hydrated, but I really struggle to get those liquids in each day. There are many things that help me (such as flavoring my water with water enhancers, which are great because they are 0 calories!), but at the end of the day my main issue is just remembering to drink throughout the day.
There are various ways people remember to drink their water, whether it be marking their water bottles with the time of day, keeping a water bottle with them constantly, or even downloading apps that remind them to stay on track. What are some ways that you stay hydrated?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

It's Been A While...

Hello, everyone!
I feel bad for not posting for so long... has it really been a year? So much has happened in that time and my life has been crazy! The most life changing thing to happen this past year is that I started dating and got married to the love of my life. I could not be happier. He treats me so well and when I have hard days or feel self conscious, all I need to do is see the way he looks at me and everything somehow is alright again. He makes me feel like I am the most beautiful woman in the world. I am so lucky!
Also life changing, since I last posted I have had 4 surgeries to treat my Barrett's Esophagus (the intestinal lining that formed in my esophagus) and get rid of some precancerous cells, and as of the 2nd, I am now free of that burden. I am beyond excited because the procedure is not fun and now I can move on to taking care of various other health issues. One of the biggest ones is my GERD, and it has made it really hard to heal, even when I have been taking the medicine I need to... which brings me to why I'm posting again and rambling in the first place!
Because my acid reflux is so bad and is preventing me from healing at the pace I need to be, my most recent surgeon has recommended that I get a gastric bypass surgery. It will not only help with my reflux, but it will also get rid of my hernia and my insulin resistance. And it will help me to lose weight.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. But I am also SUPER EXCITED. Had my circumstances been different and I just had a weight issue, would I go in for a weight loss surgery? Probably not. I fully believe in the power of working out and eating right and drinking lots of water. IT WORKS. It takes a lot of dedication and willpower and is so worth it. Sometimes, though, things happen and your body just doesn't do what you want it to.
I've been really struggling with the fact that I worked so hard to lose 54 pounds for my mission just to have it all come back after my mission for reasons that I could not control. I was bitter and depressed about it for a while, even though I knew in my soul that I was still better off because I am still able to do more than I could have dreamed before I lost the weight initially. That being said, I am so grateful for this opportunity coming up. I have been big my entire life and have tried so hard to get it off. And I know that it's not going to be a magic switch that is really easy. It's going to be painful and hard and it is going to suck. But I can't wait.
I can't wrap my mind around it, but I am finally going to be able to make bigger progress toward my ideal weight. I am going to be able to fit into normal sized clothes and have more energy to do the things I've always wanted to do. And for the first time, I'm not going to constantly worried about how fat I look, even if I have loose skin post-op. After a lifetime of being overweight and 3 years of being sick and in and out of the hospital with no end in sight, this is a HUGE answer to my prayers. I feel so blessed and grateful.
I apologize for rambling, but I felt like I needed to get my thoughts down as I start this next step in my journey to a healthier me. Thank you all for the love and support you have given me. It has meant the world to me and continues to make me want to strive to be a better person. This is my new beginning, my second chance, and I'm excited to have you all with me! My surgery consult is on March 21, so I'll post updates as I get them.

Current Weight: 247

Monday, February 8, 2016

Choosing the Best Diet for Your Needs

Hello, everyone!
Last week I reported on incorporating more fruits and veggies into my diet, and I really enjoyed the new things that I tried that week. However, I quickly learned that my body still does not like a lot of fiber and I have had trouble all this week and have had to take some fiber out of my diet. This brings me to what I want to share for my post this week.
There are many different different kinds of food and many different ways to eat healthy. There are also a lot of people out there with their own opinions about what you should and shouldn't eat to lose/maintain weight, and that's because what ght work for one person may not work for another. As I went through this week suffering because my body has a low tolerance for fiber, I decided that I would readjust my diet. I still am going to focus on eating fresh produce, because I saw some good success with it and I felt great (initially)! However, I am looking into the produce options that have less fiber content and still give me the nutrients that I need.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that trying to find a permanent, personal healthy lifestyle won't always be fast. You won't suddenly know what is right for you overnight. And there is always a possibility that it can change as your body changes. Keep an open mind and do your research; there is always an option out there that will work for your needs. Know your options and so that if things do change you can continue to make healthy choices for you. But most of all, don't give up. One important thing that I've learned is that just because one way doesn't work for you doesn't mean that you should just go back to the couch and the bag of chips. Your body never gives up on you, so don't give up on it. Treat your body like the amazing and wonderful gift it is, flaws and all.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Incorporating More Fruits and Veggies

Hello, everyone!
So it's a new week and a perfect time to check in and evaluate your progress on your goals from the past week. What did you do well on? What did you have a hard time with? What can you do to improve in the coming week?
This past week something I wanted to work on was really incorporating some good, natural fruits and veggies into my diet. And I made some good progress!!! In fact, I pretty much only bought fruits and veggies when I bought groceries. It's been fun to create delicious, healthy meals throughout the week.
I know that of you haven't eaten a lot of fruits and vegetables, finding new ways to incorporate them into your diet can be difficult. So, to help out I decided to share some of the things I've made this week.

Chia Seed Pudding w/ raspberries and peanuts (this is a super easy recipe! 3 ingredients!)

Salad w/ peppers, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, and buttery garlic croutons

Salad, sliced banana, and a bagel sandwich with Turkey Bacon (something I tried for the first time), cucumber, spinach, green onion, cream cheese, and homemade guacamole (avocado with spices)

Fish sticks, steamed broccoli, and greek yogurt w/ raspberries, blueberries, and granola

Chicken and quinoa stir fry

These are just a few of many options, but I hope they will give you some ideas to make some of your own dishes! If you have a meal that you really like, comment below to share the recipe! Have a great week, and don't give up!

Pounds lost: 6.5

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Approaching Things with Faith

Hello, everyone!
Another week has rolled along and things are going great! I've been able to stay on track and focus on my goals. And I learned something.... I feel like I already knew it, but for some reason I must have either not fully realized it or forgot about it. So, to start off, I am going to start with a quote:

   "When you put God first, everything else will fall into place."

 Last time I mentioned that I had made some big goals for myself, and one of them, aside from living healthier, was to increase my spirituality. To accomplish this, I have made a promise to myself that I will read the scriptures daily, write in my prompting journal, and say a kneeling prayer at least once daily. As I've done this, I've seen my life change. And it hasn't even been a month! I have been less stressed and more at peace (which, honestly, has helped a lot with my health anyway), I've more fully noticed the little tender mercies given to me daily, and all of my other goals have suddenly become a lot easier. Not that they are so easy I don't need to think about them (they are year long/life goals after all), but staying on track with my goals has come a lot more naturally.
As far as weight goes, I'm less tempted to eat the junk food that makes me feel gross and I have a stronger desire to exercise and get into shape. When I've gone grocery shopping, I don't feel the need to go get the typical snack food and I focus on eating fruits to get rid of my cravings for sweets. And I don't have a scale currently, but I can tell I must be losing some weight because my clothes are fitting more loosely. All without too much thought constantly. It's a huge blessing in my life and I know it's going to help me in all aspects of my life.
So this week, I want to challenge you to try making God more of a priority in your life. If you are like me and were struggling to do the necessary things each day, make a promise to yourself to be better. Take on one thing at a time. If you are already doing those things, find a way to get more out of them. I promise that whatever your goals are, whether they be loosing weight or something else, you will find that they are much easier to accomplish as you strive to do what God has asked us to do.
Stay strong and have faith in yourself. Look to God and to others to help you with your goals and you will have strength beyond your own. And even if things are hard now, remember that you are, were, and always will be, worth it.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Write Down Those Goals!

Hello, everyone!
Wow. Sometimes this blogging thing is hard and I keep forgetting to post! I was a lot better at this before my mission. Oh well. Like I have said in the past, sometimes you have to start all over again. It doesn't matter how many times you need to start over. What matters is that you're taking the steps to change. Speaking of change...
I don't want to sound cliche when I say this, but starting on the first day of this year I made some big goals for myself. And I mean some actual goals, not just the New Year's resolutions that you make and then forget about in a few weeks, or maybe a couple of months.
I'm bringing this up is because I learned something important about my own goals. I'm only going to address one of those goals because it applies to this blog, but it applies to my other goals as well. One thing that I want to do, of course, is lose some weight. I still have a lot to lose and it can be super overwhelming when I look at the numbers. Don't get me wrong, the numbers are still SUPER important.... keep track of those numbers! They can help you measure your success! However, I also learned (partially because of having lost the weight and gaining it back because of health issues that I can't control) that I needed to be a little less specific about the pounds and a little more specific about how I was going to lose those pounds. So, with this new outlook, I made a goal that was different than my previous goal. Instead of losing however many pounds in a certain amount of time, I have a goal to live healthier.
Now here's the most important part... I wrote it down. Goals are simply just wishes unless you write them down so you can constantly go back and refer to them. And I didn't just write down the goal, I took the time to write down how I plan to achieve that goal and the habits that I want to develop within this year to help me get there.
Now, I know that this method won't work for everyone, especially if you are all about the numbers. I have decided to take this route because there a lot of things going on in my body right now that I can't control, and it's not fair to tell myself that I'm not successful because the pounds aren't coming off like I want them to. My weight is a big factor for me, but the bigger factor is that I need to work to feel good, not just look good. I don't know if this will help you as the reader of my blog, but it's a big step for me.
I also wanted to mention something again that I mentioned before is to remember to look at the small successes  you see day to day. I went to work out this morning and in the middle of my cool down I decided to turn the treadmill speed down so that I could do lunges as I cooled off. A little after I turned it down to 1.5 mph and started to do lunges, I started to laugh. Why? Because I realized that 3 years ago, that was my maximum speed and now I had some extra time to do lunges.
Make this year your best year. Write down your goals and really focus on how you will accomplish them. I promise that as you do this, the best is yet to come. Keep working hard and love yourself no matter where you are.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

What Motivates You?

Hello, everyone! In my last post I told you I would be more accountable to you and I am going to follow through. The other day my cousin sent me a text to ask how I got started running... and I asked which time? In all reality, it's hard to stay motivated and we all have periods in which we fall short of what we know we need to do. But that's okay. Just because I might have eaten a little to much during one meal doesn't mean that the whole day's efforts are moot and I can go binge. Just as we can apply Christ's Atonement to our lives by repenting and starting with a clean slate every day, multiple times a day, we can use the same outlook for working on our goals, whatever they may be. And I am going to focus on weight loss... of course.
Starting is, and always will be, the hardest part of our journey. Sometimes we have to keep starting over, and over, and over again and it can be frustrating. But each moment is a chance to change. We just have to find the things in our lives that motivate us to change now. Here are some of those things for me:

  • Wanting to be healthy and live longer.
    • As you all know, I've been suffering with health issues, and a lot of them will be lessened (and might even go away!) if I lose weight. Plus, those added years of life that my current weight is taking away is also some motivation, which leads me to my next point.
  • Wanting to be there for my husband, kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, etc., etc.
    • If I keep up the way I had been living, I won't have the strength or energy I'll need to take care of my future family. Or the added years I referred to earlier. How sad would it be if I didn't get to see my grandchildren because I didn't take the time to take care of myself? I feel like if I don't take care of myself I'm essentially telling my children "I love you, but I like living an unhealthy lifestyle more." What is your treasure?
  • Wanting to feel good about myself.
    • Yes, wanting to feel good and healthy is great, but sometimes it's just not enough. Sometimes my motivation to change lies in the moments when an outfit I think is really cute won't fit or when I see the fat rolls that become more visible when I sit down. These are the moments that my thoughts turn destructive and it's hard to see how beautiful I truly am, and I don't want to degrade myself like that.
  • Knowing that my body is a gift from my Heavenly Father that he has entrusted me to take care of.
    • This is probably the biggest one for me. God loves us so much that he gave us these wonderful masterpieces to dwell in while we are on the earth. And though our masterpieces may not always function as well as they should, they continue to work for us no matter how badly we treat them. Show God that you love Him and don't treat His gift to you like garbage. You're going to need it for the eternities!
  • Being able to see my progress.
    • This is something that you can't see at day one, or maybe even for a few days, but there are many ways to track your progress. And sometimes seeing how far you've come goes a long way. In earlier posts I've shown progress pictures and apps that have helped me along the way, as well as measurements and other various things. But there is something I am really excited about that I found yesterday on Excel. Yes, Excel. They have multiple templates for various things and weight logs are some of them. There are a few options, and it is awesome. Here is one of the ones I'm using (the data isn't mine, it's from the template):

So, those are some of the things that motivate me. Find things that motivate you and please share them in the comment section below! I'm always up for more ideas! Have a great day and keep working hard to make your dreams a reality!

My Progress:
Pounds lost: 4.2

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Struggle Is Real

Hey, Everyone! I know, I know... it's been quite a while since my last post. I'm just going to come out right now and tell you all that this post is going to be really honest and surrounding something that one of my mission companions and I jokingly tell each other all the time: "The struggle is real".
In my last couple of posts I've been trying to figure out my health issues and my conflicting diets as well as trying to be more motivated in my fitness without hurting myself. Meanwhile, my body is fighting against my efforts to lose weight. The most frustrating part of it all is that I have gained almost all of my weight back and the journey begins again.
However, with all these discouraging things I've continued to learn about my body and have realized that not all is lost even though I have gained the weight back. You may be asking "What isn't lost?" Well, let me tell you.

  • Freedom from the weight of thinking there is no way out.
    • Before I originally lost the weight, I just let myself suffer and think that I was just going to be overweight my whole life. I wallowed in self-pity and hated myself for not being a healthy weight like all the people I saw around me. NO MORE.

  • A new love for exercise.
    • I really can't believe I am actually saying this, but I actually like to exercise now. It's not my favorite thing in the world, granted, but I still enjoy it a lot more than I used to. There is nothing like the sense of accomplishment when you get into the shower and wash all of the nasty sweat off. My exercise time is one of the only times I really feel like I can completely tune out the rest of the world and work on bettering myself. I may be sore later, but I feel great. And, even with the weight gain, I can still do hard things that I couldn't before! I even signed up and finished another 5K and it was a BLAST!!!

  • A better knowledge of how to live a healthier lifestyle.
    • Before I tried to lose my weight originally, I didn't really have a clue of how I could possibly lose weight. Maybe part of the problem was that I wasn't able to see a way out. I'm still not perfect, but the knowledge that I've gained will never go away and I will always have it in my arsenal in this battle. I know it has worked before, and I know I can make it work again. Nothing is going to stop me now.
  • And finally, a better relationship with God and my Savior.
    • Throughout my journey to be able to lose the weight and go on a mission in the first place I really learned what it was like to truly rely on God and trust in Him. I learned that all things are possible with Him, even when we cannot always see how it will work. And then I went on my mission and learned EVEN MORE. It's hard to believe how much He truly is in the tiniest details of our lives. To me, this is the greatest gain.

So, even though things may seem to be back to square one and it can be SUPER frustrating (trust me, I totally understand), not all is lost. For those of you who are struggling and have had some setbacks, remember that although the "struggle is real" and can be hard, it will always be worth it no matter how many times we have to do things over again. Keep trying and don't give up on yourself. Good things come to those who are willing to work for it. Keep your chin up and work to make your dreams come true.
In the meantime, let's remember to help each other out and cheer each other on as we face our individual struggles. I'm going to start by being more accountable and trying to learn more to share. What are you going to do?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Time to Change

Hello, everyone!
It's come to that time of year when everyone stuffs themselves to the point of misery and then decides at the New Year that they really will be better, and plan to make some resolutions for next year. You know it's true... most of us do it. But why? Why do we choose to make ourselves miserable and then choose to wait to be better? This has been on my mind a little more lately. I'm still struggling with health issues and I'm on 2 different diets that pretty much cancel each other out, and it's super frustrating. Especially when it's right in time for those holiday feasts, right?
A little while ago, I came across a little quote that says "Note to self: When I eat crap, I feel like crap". Never have I known that to be so true. I was still careful about what and how much I ate during the holidays, but I didn't follow my new dietary restrictions as well as I should have... and now I am paying for it in the form of pain. And it made me think about how these little decisions can affect our health in big ways. And it's true that when we eat something we are not supposed to, we don't normally end up in pain. But what damage are we doing to our bodies with these little choices.
It's funny that I'm coming to this right before the all famous "new year". However, I've decided I'm not going to wait until the new year and say that I'm going to be better this year. I'm going to start today, and commit to being better for the rest of my life.
I'm not going to make my body suffer anymore because I want something now. Our bodies are a wonderful gift to be treated with care. My body keeps going even when I want to give up, and I should help it perform it's job.
Tomorrow is not the time to change... there will always be a tomorrow. Now is the time to change.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Getting Back On Track

Today is a great day. And the days to come will be even better.
I wanted to post today because I feel like I'm finally starting to get somewhere with my health goals again. Because of my health issues, I hadn't been able to do much of anything, not to mention work out, but today is the second day in a row that I've been able to do an intense workout. And it felt so good!!! I didn't realize how much I missed getting a good workout... the burning, the "good aches", and the sweaty nastiness... more importantly though, how I feel when I'm done. Everyone has a desire to accomplish something great and do something productive with their lives, and exercising gives me that sense of accomplishment. I love it.
As good as it feels to workout again, I still have some limitations and I have to build back up in order to be able to do what I was doing before. And it's going to take a while, but I'm okay with that. I'm not going to let that get me down or be an excuse to give up. I remembered that it's important that I need to be patient with myself and continue pressing forward, and that's all that matters. It's time for me to get back on the track towards fulfilling my dream of being healthy and fit.
Whether  you've had something holding you back for a while, you've just been slacking, or you never even had the chance to start in the first place, there is always an opportunity to start that change now or get back on track. Life is full of second chances, so go and grab yours. Remember that you are worth it. You are good enough. You were always good enough. Make those dreams a reality.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Moving Onward and Upward

Hello, everyone! I'm back! It's so crazy to be back home again and to go back to the "real world". I loved being a missionary so much. It was an amazing ride! It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but also the most rewarding. I got to meet so many amazing, wonderful people that have changed my life forever and that I love dearly. They helped me become more of who I want to be and continually are giving me the strength to be even better every day. I never wanted to leave, never wanted to stop being a missionary. Even through the hardest days. Which was why I was heartbroken when I found out I'd be going home early.
For the last 4 1/2 months of my mission, I was starting to have some health problems that just weren't seeming to go away and kept getting worse. I started making multiple trips to the doctor and taking multiple tests trying to figure out what was wrong. And everything kept coming back perfectly normal.... and it was so frustrating! On the 1st of October I got a call from Sister Russell (my mission president's wife) and found out that if my next test came back normal, it was recommended that I be released and go home. On Friday the 3rd of October, my test results came back and they hadn't found anything, so on the 6th I arrived at home. After another 1 1/2 months of several more tests without any luck, we finally found the issues. I was so relieved.
I'm sharing this because I learned something about myself. During the time I was trying to get things figured out, especially at home, I was at a point where I couldn't do really much of anything without being in intense pain. I pretty much had to sit around and be lazy, which I don't think before all my weight loss and before my mission would have bothered me, but now it was driving me crazy! I learned that I really did learn to be more active, and to have a more active and healthy life style. I was dying to get out and do something.... even go jogging.
Now things are getting better, and I'm able to go out jogging now. I still can't do very much, but I'm doing more every day and it feels so good. With the time it's going to take for my recovery, I have decided that I am staying home. It was the hardest decision I have ever made.
Through everything though, I have really come to a better knowledge that God has a plan for each and every one of us. He wants us to be happy forever. Sometimes we don't always understand why we go through what we do or what's in store for us, but it will always turn out for the best. I know that as long as I strive to be the best me I can be, everything else will fall into place.
And with that, I am going to continue moving onward and upward, because every day is a new day that will be better and brighter than the last.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Just A Little Update

Hello, everyone! I haven't been really able to post in a while because I've been so busy with work and getting ready to leave on my mission, but since I had a spare moment today, I thought I would give a little update. I have now hit 54 lbs and 95.25 inches lost. It feels awesome! I also decided to take another progress picture to see how far I've come. And yes, I did chop off some hair. I feel like I have a totally new look now! :)


This may be my last post before I leave (only 6 days left!), so there's a few things I want to say until next time.
     Never give up. Believe in yourself, and have faith that you can accomplish anything. The journey will be hard, and there will be times in which you will feel discouraged and you will feel like your effort is pointless. Have patience, and keep working at it. It will come, even if it's not right when you want it to happen. BELIEVE ME. There are so many times I felt this way. If it were possible to get what I had wanted when I wanted, I would have been at my ideal weight years ago, and stayed that way the rest of my life. Remember the "why" of what you're doing. Record your progress so that in harder times you can look back at what you have accomplished. This goes for much more than weight loss; it's a great principle for life.
     I know that God lives. I know that if we strive daily to follow Him and His plan for us, we will be blessed more than we can receive. I know that through Him, anything is possible. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he came to this earth to suffer and die for our sins so that we could someday return to him and our Heavenly Father as clean and humble children of  a king. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us, and that He has perfect timing. He knows what is best for each and every one of us. We struggle because we can't always see the big picture; but He knows all. I know that the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true, and that it can bring peace and joy to all of those who truly desire to follow it's principles. I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father with all of my heart, and I am so excited to serve them by serving my brothers and sisters in the Oregon Eugene Mission.